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Businessman Working in Office

Unlock potential one skill at a time

All while keeping your finger on the pulse of exactly what you need to know

Building robust, skilful teams isn’t about generalisations but about tapping into the very best in each individual.

Talupp provides a haven where each employee’s developmental trajectory is respected, nurtured, and meticulously interwoven with your organisation’s needs and projects.

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Dashboard showing individual goals and organisational objectives

Take a holistic view: Merge individual goals with organisational objectives, ensuring every conversation from 1:1s to appraisals is focused, tracked, and tied back to your larger organizational targets.

Track what matters to you: Customise or choose from varied goal types like KPIs or OKRs, or import your own competencies.

A middle-aged woman with a dashboard depicting objectives and ratings for performance evaluation

Comprehensive appraisals: Engage in both quarterly and annual performance reviews, integrating learning and project performances to embrace a fully holistic review approach.

Data-driven decision making: Use unbiased, clear data that lets actual performance speak, ensuring that talent decisions are based on true potential and impact, not just visibility

Joined up thinking

Talupp believes that personal development is the foundation of successful performance management.
And we believe that successful performance management feeds into increased engagement, better onboarding, and stronger succession planning.
With our intuitive dashboard, you can work holistically, without the headache.

✔ Set, align, and monitor individual goals
Map these against your organisational goals
See areas for improvement at a glance

✔ Measure the objectives and KPIs that work for your organisation

And use our powerful filters to guide your long-term decision.

Objectives analytics dashboard to monitor individual and organisation's goals

"The project secured a 98% completion rate for the career conversations. This meant that executives were able to conduct people reviews by the end of the year with accurate and timely data."


“Companies like Talupp understand your needs. They target the solution for you. With other companies, you have to adapt to them, but with Talupp you have the freedom to get exactly what you and the organisation want.”


“The Talupp platform provides a structure to see that development through and it has enabled development conversations to become the norm.”


Take a holistic view of performance

With Talupp, your HR team sails smoothly through the sea of performance management, effortlessly coordinating, aligning, and reviewing every aspect.

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